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All About Anabolic Fasting: Is It Good for You?

With all the different kinds of diets we can find today, especially online, it gets confusing finding the perfect one suitable for our minds and bodies. You want something that doesn’t helps you lose unhealthy fat mass and maintain precious muslce mass! After much research, you may have stumbled across anabolic fasting - something that’s been gaining popularity recently.

But what is this diet and how does it work? More importantly, is it effective and beneficial for our health? Read on to find out!

What is Anabolic Fasting?

Anabolic Fasting was created by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale, with the intent of replicating the effects of taking anabolic steroids without same side effects. The purpose of the diet is to manipulate your body into eating the correct foods at appropriate times to provide positive results, especially when building and/or maintaining muscle.

Anabolic fasting has maintenance /induction, bulk and cutting phases. Each phase lasts for different time. During these phases, through alternation between low carb /high fat and high carb/low fat days, you will be in ketosis on some days and decrease insulin level but then challenge your body with high carb, increase insulin level and help with more muscle “bulking”.


·         Weekdays: You consume 40% protein, 60% fat, and about 25 grams of carbs (or less). The carbs consumed should come from whole food only, and you should avoid dairy or grains

·         Weekends: You consume 15% protein, 25% fat, and 60% carbohydrates.


The Benefits of Anabolic Fasting

To get desired benefits, you must combine this with strength training program. For many, anabolic fasting is easier as it allows to cycle through high and low carb days and does not feel “restrictive”.


Besides the usual weight loss and muscle gaining goals, there are also other benefits, including:


·         Lower triglyceride (circulating “fat droplets”)

·         Lower insulin levels

·         Prevents muscle loss during weight (fat) loss

The Side Effects of Anabolic Fasting

Just like all new eating plan, transition may be hard for some. In the beginning, lower energy level, mood swings, headache is not uncommon due to lower carb consumption and “metabolic switching”. Hydration and maintenance of electrolyte balance is crucial. It is important to discuss with your healthcare provider before drastically changing your eating habits. If you have medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease - it is important to talk to your clinician as close monitoring and medication adjustment may be required.


Wrapping It Up

Anabolic fasting may have its benefits but should be coordinated with your healthcare provider.