All You Need to Know About Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

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You’ve probably heard about different analyzers that measure your weight, body fat percentage, BMI, and the like, which can help you find your ideal weight, muscle mass, and body fat. There are many different ways to measure your vitals for ultimate fitness goals, from online calculators to devices. But have you ever heard of a bioelectrical impedance analysis?


What is a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis?

Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is one of the simple methods when determining one’s lean body mass. It measures body composition based on a rate of when electrical currents travel through your body. Don’t worry, it’s painless, using low-level electrical currents.


Because body mass, or adipose tissue, would cause more resistance compared to fat-free mass, it would slow the current traveling rate. That way, BIA can scale and estimate your body fat percentage. 


The term may sound complicated, but as mentioned, it’s actually simple, utilizing straightforward technology. Based on the rate, there will be a calculation for estimating the fat-free mass. The technology will also use other vitals, including your height, gender, and weight measurements to calculate your body fat percentage.


Using BIA to measure your body fat percentage is generally safe. BUT, it shouldn’t be used by those who have an electronic medical implant, like heart pacemakers. It is also not recommended for pregnant women to use these. Make sure to check with your doctor before using any scale or device for your health and safety.


BIA Devices to Use

There are actually different kinds of BIA devices to measure your body fat percentage, all of which would need two contact points.


·         Handheld devices will use your two hands as points

·         The typical BIA scale will use your two feet as the points

·         There are also different devices that would use your hand and foot

·         You can also find newer BIA scale models that would link with your smartphone app, so it’s easy to track progress easily


Also known as bioimpedance scales, there are various brands that make different kinds of BIA devices. The price of the scale you choose depends on the technology and sophistication of the product. There are certain scales that use more than one frequency with advanced algorithms. Others provide a segmental fat analysis for specific body fat measurements per body part, such as the leg, arm, and stomach.


Either way, one of the most recommended is the hand-foot BIA scale, which provides more accuracy. It’s said that hand-hand devices would measure mostly the upper body, while foot-foot ones would measure more of the lower body.


With that in mind, while studies show that BIA is accurate in estimating body fat, the research doesn’t test store-bought devices. It all depends on the device’s quality, so you will need to be wary.

Furthermore, different factors can also affect your reading when using the BIA scale, such as:


·         Your body weight, as it may be less accurate in overweight people

·         Hydration levels, with dehydration affecting the readings

·         Recent exercise or intense activities, which may affect BIA reading accuracy

·         Your current training load, with scales providing special options for athletes in training

·         Your recent food and/or drink intake. BIA may be better after fasting overnight

Wrapping It Up

With all this in mind, is it worth getting one? That depends! As long as you use it correctly and at the right time, it will be a helpful device that shows your body fat percentage accurately. This can help you figure out what changes you need to make in your lifestyle for a fitter and healthier you.


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